Habib Salama - LynLake Centers for WellBeing

PsyD, LP

Habib Salama

Locations: Highland Park, Telehealth

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Habib Salama


No matter our background, we go through major life transitions as adults, and those transitions have a way of making us doubt ourselves. As we try to navigate a new world (whether that be starting college/graduate studies, a new job or life in an entirely new part of the world), we come to know ourselves in ways that we never thought we ever could. We may be walking into new territories, or novel experiences, and have no one overlooking the choices we make.

It is in those choices where we get to learn about ourselves all over again. It’s a journey that can be exciting and scary at the same time. When things get hard, we may disconnect from ourselves, the world around us, or the things we truly value. Wherever you are in that journey, my goal is to help you reconnect to the things that drive meaning, purpose and satisfaction in your life.

As a first generation Sudanese-Egyptian, these are things that drive meaning in Habib's work with you. Habib considers his approach to be like the navigator in your car: If you tell him where you want to go, he can help you uncover what lies ahead and navigate through it. While he holds general expertise in the field of Psychology, it is you, the driver, that is the true expert on this journey. You may already know what’s ahead and prefer to avoid that unpleasantness altogether. We'll work through those unwanted thoughts and feelings to see them for what they are (as thoughts and feelings... nothing more and nothing less). Habib's work is based in Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT), and incorporates mindfulness, intentionality and collaborating to see the world from a bigger picture (society & social justice). No matter the ordeal that brings you in, Habib aspires to create an anchoring space that invites calm, reflection and malleability. Like the “Room of Requirement,” a space that can transform to meet your needs in the moment. A space where clients may feel more freely so that they may live more freely.

Previously Habib has worked closely with young adults in undergraduate, graduate, healthcare / medical studies. He is passionate about working with others who may be straddling multiple sociocultural identities or lifestyles. Maybe you’re new to therapy or the idea of talking to a stranger feels… well, strange. Habib is happy to sit down and talk through this more and ways it may be helpful. Remember, you don’t have to be in crisis to reach out for support.

Habib earned his Doctorate of Psychology (PsyD) from the University of St. Thomas - Graduate School of Professional Psychology.

Get in Touch

We’ll work with you every step of the way to make your experience as clear and welcoming as possible. If you’re ready to start the next chapter of your journey, you can request to get connected to our referrals specialist now.

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